4 strand braid (2 ways)
This is a variation on the normal 3 strand braid but uses more strands. Braiding is essentially a type of weaving that is done on hair and relies on repeating steps to create the uniform quality that braids are known for. There are two ways to complete a 4 strand braid and although they differ is appearance, they don't necessarily differ in difficulty.
Difficulty: Medium
- 1 comb/brush
- 2 hair elastics/ hair ties
The two styles...
Method :
Style 1(right)
1. Gather the hair into a ponytail and secure it with a hair tie.
2. Separate the hair into 4 equal sections.
3. Take the rightmost section and bring it over the second section and under the third section.
4. Then, take the leftmost section and bring it under the new third section and
over the second section.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you run out of hair.
6. Secure the end of the braid with the other elastic.
Style 2 (left)
1. Gather the hair into a ponytail and secure it with a hair tie.
2. Separate the hair into 4 equal sections.
3. Take the rightmost section and bring it over the second section, under the third section, and over the third section.
*( you might notice this is a very common weaving pattern)
4. Repeat step 3 until you run out of hair, using the rightmost strand to weave through the other strands every time.
5. Secure the end of the braid with the other elastic.
And your hairstyle is complete. Happy Hairstyling!