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About Still Growing Up ~
Here at Still Growing Up, you can find a little of everything. From hair to food to adorable DIYs, find it all on this one blog.
You can view all posts under the "Blog" tab, where all posts are listed based on how recent the post is regardless of category. If you are solely interested in one category, feel free to just click the tab that corresponds to the category. The posts are mostly tutorials with plenty of attractive image to help clarify the instructions further.
Please understand that since this blog is fairly new, there isn't much content. However, I can guarantee that this blog will GROW with time.
About the author~
I am a high school student that have only recently started my blogging career. As a young child, I have done some blogging, but this is the first time that I am aiming to have a long-term blog.
Even though I am new to blogging, I know that, as a young blogger, I could contribute to our online community just as much as an experienced blogger does. My only wish is for all of you, as my viewers and audience, to give me a chance and help or support me on this new and exciting journey.
Keep in mind that this blog is created mostly if not purely for your viewing pleasure. Therefore, feel free to contact me with suggestions or feedback through the contacts form below.
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As can be deduced, this category is full of well-explained recipes for baked goods that you will love instantly. There are several sub-categories as well, such as cupcakes that will help you find the perfect recipe for the sweet treat that you desire.
This category is the best for DIY gift ideas as well as ideas for things you can do when you are bored. It currently only consists of paper crafts but the content of this category will definitely increase over time.